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January 2021


"One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14

Happy New Year dear friends,

I was encouraged by a friend to list my Top Ten lessons for the New Year, which I shared last week in a zoom conference with the New Canaan Society men’s fellowship. I thought you might enjoy also receiving these goals as we all begin a brand new year together.

10. Take responsibility for your decisions and be honest about consequences, both good and bad. Don’t enable bad behavior. It’s OK "to pray and fast at a distance.” I often share my theory that the opposite of love is control. Release people to their own choices, but be available for mercy, love, and the atonement of the cross. 9. Be deliberate about prayer time (twice a day). 8. Make a list of the things you did not complete and plan to get those things done. "Procrastination is the thief of time." 7. Walk, run, and stay fit; make no excuses. 6. Read (especially historical works). I am a WW2 junkie so find your passion and become a friend of history. 5. Be in touch with your friends. Everyone I know is carrying a burden; it is part of our human condition and it is very hopeful to share those burdens with one another. We need each other and must pray for one another. 4. The poor abound. Pray for discernment as how you can be involved. 3. Be especially attentive to wife, kids and extended family. People are lonely and need on-going affirmation and affection. Be aware of silent, non-verbal signaling, e.g. drinking alone, not sleeping, people not returning calls, etc. Do not do life alone. "Isolation can be fun if done by more than one." Remember solitude is foundational for contemplation, meditation, and wisdom; but isolation is not prayer. 2. Time is not our friend; don’t waste it! So many people I meet have regrets about the lack of time and wasted time. Make amends with family and friends where hurt has been experienced. In the last six months, nine of my friends have died. Because of Covid-19 they often died alone. 1. Finally "Your ego is not your amigo." Hey, that has become my new mantra. Enjoy the forthcoming hopes for 2021.

Sheila and I are so grateful for your years of friendship, and for your support of our ministry in New York City, a place which needs its own set of prayers these days.

Your friend in Christ,

B.J. Weber


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