Dear friends,
This coming January will mark 40 years since B.J. Weber arrived in New York City to fulfill his calling to ministry here. Initially he served almost six years in a street ministry in Times Square, when it was a gritty and dangerous place. B.J.’s street ministry led him to found the New York Fellowship in November, 1984, and it has since been the vehicle for B.J.’s multi-faceted, personal ministry serving people from all walks of life – rich and poor, or young and old alike. The common characteristic of B.J.’s ministry clients is a deep unmet need – whether material, physical or emotional – that has a spiritual dimension.
B.J. and Sheila Weber have lived a calling of availability to serve and share the hope of Christ to those in need. Their commitments of time, counseling and resources have led to the founding of more than 30 other major ministries and initiatives, ranging from men’s and women’s fellowship groups, Bible studies for business leaders and for young people, a crisis pregnancy center, an orphanage and medical clinic in Bolivia, conversion of international leaders at the U.N., overseas outreach programs, prison ministries, and sports ministries. Many of these organizations remember B.J.’s early and essential role, such as the inner city Christian school Chicago Hope Academy -- when B.J. visits, its team players and cheerleaders yell out “No B.J., No Hope!”
In addition to assisting visible organizations which grow into self-sufficient ministries with talented Christian leaders, B.J. and Sheila spend a significant portion of their time in New York City serving people in crisis. These are private moments -- quiet meetings with individuals, couples, or small groups, who are deeply impacted by B.J.’s spiritual counsel, direction, intervention, and caregiving. B.J. becomes the one person they can confide in as they address serious life issues, and come to terms with the spiritual and practical decisions they face. Because crisis counseling often involves relationships between men and women, Sheila is an essential partner in B.J.’s work, offering discipleship, counseling, and much appreciated hospitality alongside B.J.
After much prayerful soul searching, B.J. feels strongly that, as long as God gives him health and energy, he is called to continue doing the Lord’s work right where God has put him for these last 40 years—midtown Manhattan. It continues to be one of the most strategic locations in the world for sharing the Gospel message of forgiveness, hope, and grace. And the New York Fellowship’s ministry house, with its constant flow of meetings, guests, visitors and spiritual dialogue, forms a central hub for incubating new Christian activities in New York.
There is no major institution supporting the New York Fellowship or B.J.’s ministry. It is entirely funded through the tithes and gifts of individuals like you who care that this unique ministry continues. The reserve funds which the New York Fellowship has turned to in times of scarcity have been slowly depleted over the course of many years. We are praying and asking for your kind consideration to join B.J.’s support team with a generous year-end gift in 2018, and a monthly commitment for 2019. We deeply appreciate your help in this upcoming 40th anniversary of B.J.’s call to New York City, to keep the NY Fellowship on solid ground to fulfill its mission.
Respectfully yours,
Robert A. Case
Chairman, New York Fellowship